There’s been a huge amount of interest in crowdfunding from banks and other big investors. So much so, in fact, that it’s often said that crowdfunding is in danger of losing the crowd.
Campden FB, a web offering aimed at family offices (the administrators and managers of rich families’ private wealth) highlights the opportunities for family offices to invest in peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. P2P loans, which bring individuals (and, in some cases institutional investors) together with businesses, are what we do at Money&Co.
For the record, although there is much interest from big players looking to lend money via our platform, and to invest in our company, there will always be a place for the individual investor. “We will keep the crowd, and by that I mean smaller individual investors and lenders, in the Money&Co. crowd,” says Money&Co. CEO, Nicola Horlick.
The Campden FB article focuses on investing in P2P loans (security, access, yield) rather than the lending platforms themselves. Two quotes stand out.
Assetz Capital’s Stuart Law says: ‘I think by the time family offices begin to wise up to the benefits of the peer-to-peer industry, I fear that the capacity to accept money may have dried up. You already see this happening in the US. My forecast is that all the big players in the UK will be full or at institutional capacity by the end of this year.’”
And David Stevenson, executive director of news and analysis service AltFi, says that family offices don’t need to look far to find ways of deploying capital: “The origination of loans may be a top priority for the big three in the UK but origination of investors is the priority for the rest. And these players in the next tier include fast growing smart players who absolutely would warrant attention,’ says Stevenson, adding that family offices should stick to the UK and US for the short term as many European platforms remain sub-scale.”
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Our registered users had the opportunity to claim a ticket at the recent Discovering The Power Of The Crowd conference at a discount of £40 to the full £190 price, which included a star-studded line-up of speakers, lunch and networking drinks. We are planning another conference in Exeter on 17th September, and another in London in October, with full detail to be released soon.Register to make loans and to benefit from future conference discounts by signing up here. It takes just a few minutes.